Things with design that I really like ...

Design in general

When it comes to "design", it happens to me time and again that I totally get into things. And that of course also apart from guitars. Or let's say it in a different and less important way: I've always liked to surround myself with things that I like visually and otherwise! To this day I still drive an old 1988 BMW-Baur convertible, I am totally into the Rundform furniture of the Mauser company and certain lamps of various brands like Sistrah, Poulsen, Brand etc. And I love the Memphis design, which has unfortunately become unaffordable: brightly colored creations of postmodernism, for some viewers rather "tests of courage" from the 1980s. At least I have recreated one of these creations - a bed in the style of a boxing ring. And a few really shrill Wandré guitars I may even call my own.

Memphis in particular

The time with my then girlfriend Ines was very fruitful for me in terms of "form and color", because she had also moved into designing furniture. A good reason to visit the Milan design show. Someone had created a fascinating exhibition of these very exhibits of Memphis design separately from the actual trade fair.

Initiated by an Ettore Sottsass, a group of furniture, textile and ceramic designers formed in 1980, which vehemently opposed the pure functionality of furniture. The claim: every single piece should be raised to the status of an "object". Unusual materials like formica, bright colors and crazy combinations of forms. This was revolutionary in those days. At the first meeting of these visionaries, the Bob Dylan song Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again ran in the background according to legend. And so the designer group called itself "Memphis". (And there he is again... Bob Dylan...)

Inspired in this way, I set out to transfer the influence of this Memphis design into a guitar design. See for yourself! This was more my thing and I never had my company produce it anyway (already with regard to the aforementioned Roger Saturn). But what a pity. But times will change. And who knows, maybe one day it will be time for a "Duesenberg-Memphis" to shine in the guitar sky.

Here is the bird. And during its development both a super working kill switch and a pretty nice Memphis-like hardware detail were created.


Things with design that I really like ...